EOLP In-Person Event For Carers : Grieving When Caring Ends
Free, location is Spring Farm Business Centre, Moss Lane, Bradfield Green, Crewe, CW1 4RJ
This session introduces grief as a normal, natural response to loss and bereavement that everyone will experience at some point in their life. Many of us however, have a very limited understanding of how grief can affect our feelings, thoughts, behaviours and physical health.
For former carers, grief can be made more complex by the dual loss of the person and their role as a carer. This is particularly true for people who have been a carer for a long period or if the caring role has become a significant part of their identity.
This session gives former carers :
- A better understanding of the grieving process
- An understanding of normal grief, and when support may be required
- Opportunities to share their experiences