Social Prescription - Nantwich and Rural Care Community

Social Prescription

Social Prescribing Link Workers are available for appointments via your GP Practice reception.


A "social prescription" does not require an appointment with your GP. There is broad recognition that overall wellbeing isn't solely helped by a medical prescription but also by something non-clinical. And that's where a social prescription might come in via your Link Worker.

Our appointments allow a discussion about what would make a real difference to your overall wellbeing. The idea is to empower you by discussing options that are led by you. Your Link Worker can then make suggestions by signposting you to local services as this short video from Sussex illustrates.

You might want to find specific support groups, local societies, volunteering opportunities or befriending services.

You might just need the confidence to take that first step in which case your link worker can help you in approaching others.

If you are a carer you might need some help to access all the support you are eligible for as a carer?

You might have needs relating to housing, employment or finances?

If you are recently bereaved you might wish to access a local bereavement listening service. We can help to arrange this for you.

You might be lonely or socially isolated.

We can listen and support.

You can self refer to social prescribing in Nantwich and Rural by contacting your GP Practice Reception in the normal way and asking for an appointment with the Link Worker.