Talking therapies, or psychological therapies, are effective and confidential treatments delivered by fully trained and accredited NHS practitioners.
NHS Cheshire & Wirral Partnership offers psychological or talking therapies to our patients, covering a range of topics.
Please see the leaflet below :
The service is confidential and is not time-session restricted but based on individual client’s needs. Survive is a small, independent registered charity – 1047103.
To arrange counselling sessions, or learn more about Survive, please call or email us. Following this, a first appointment can be made with the counselling co-ordinator in order to assess how Survive can best meet your needs.
We are able to offer day time and early evening appointments.
Survive offers an open door policy enabling you to take a break whenever appropriate.
As well as counselling we also offer art therapy sessions.
156 Nantwich Road, Crewe, Cheshire.
Please visit our website for more details :
Visyon is a safe place children and young people can come to when they need help. We’re really good at helping children and young people work out what’s troubling them and what they can do about it. Whether they’re confused, upset, worried, feeling hurt or angry about anything, there is somebody at Visyon who will listen and help them decide what you want to do next.
Our services :
• One-to-one therapy • Therapeutic groupwork • Family support work • Therapeutic play • Creative activities • Mentoring • Cognitive behavioural therapy • Solution-focused brief therapy • Parent support groups
Please watch this short video with examples of how we help :
Join our new online parent support group to talk with like-minded parents to find support and ask for advice.
If you are a parent, grandparent or carer, you can come to us to gain the skills to give your child the support they need.
Call to find out more 01260 290000.
Kooth has been commissioned by NHS Cheshire Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG) in direct response to the Coronavirus pandemic. is a free, anonymous, confidential, safe, online wellbeing service, offering counselling, information and forums for children and young people. Access 365 days a year to counsellors who are available from: 12 noon-10pm Monday- Friday, and 6pm-10pm Saturday and Sunday.
Kooth allows young people to gain anonymous access to advice, support and guidance on any issue that is affecting their wellbeing. From friendship or relationship issues, family disagreements or difficult home lives, to concerns around eating, anxiety, stress, depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts etc.
Our qualified counsellors are here to give young people the support they need, when they need it.’s live chat service is available from Monday to Friday 12 noon – 10pm, Saturdays and Sundays 6pm – 10pm and is accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop, completely free of charge.
Our magazine has helpful articles, personal experiences and tips from young people and our Kooth team. You can also start or join a conversation with our friendly Kooth community, and you can write in your own daily journal to track your feelings or emotions and reflect on how you’re doing.
With lockdown behind us Body Positive’s Technicolour are relaunching their LGBT+ counselling service.
Counselling focuses on the emotional and psychological issues preventing you from moving forward; taking the necessary steps to becoming more independent and healthier. Counselling is offered by volunteers both in-training and fully qualified. A counselling referral is completed within 1 week.
To evaluate counselling performance and acceptability service users are given an exit questionnaire as well as psychometric evaluation every six sessions. There is no cap on the number of sessions an individual can access as need is evaluated on a case by case basis.
To find out more about the counselling service and other forms of support offered by Body Positive or to access the service/make a referral on behalf of someone else please visit :
The service, led by Cheshire & Merseyside Adult Gender Identity Collaborative (CMAGIC), provides access to experienced gender incongruence counsellors. Anyone wishing to access the service should go online at:
The new name for Cheshire Centre for Independent Living.
We are Disability Positive. We help people to live well. We know it matters, because we live with disability and long-term health conditions too.
Our range of services are here to make your life easier if you receive a direct payment, employ a personal assistant or have care and support needs.
In the autumn of 2021 we launched our new counselling and befriending service. Do you need support to manage your mental health and stay well?
Our Twitter feed is kept right up-to-date…
There are so many different ways you can volunteer with us but however you do it, you’ll benefit from role specific training, gaining new skills and making an important and valued contribution to our work. We are always happy to hear from talented people who might be able to help us. The first step is to find out more here.
Registered Charity No: 1091744
So we’re here to provide emotional, personal and practical support and advice to everyone involved. We have supported families affected by domestic abuse for 40 years and we specialise in supporting people through the challenges they face. Please visit our Blog page for our latest news.
We offer a weekly drop in advice clinic, a monthly legal clinic and a range of groups offering recovery and support as well as a counselling service and specialist children’s programmes.
Please visit our website with lots of support on there for survivors, children and young people, people who harm, worried friends and family, and professionals :
(CAMHS) are an NHS provided service that support young people with their mental health & emotional well-being.
CAMHS services generally support young people experiencing:
In this video chat Maja talks about her own experiences with CAMHS, her journey from referral to now, and has some top advice :
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