Local Directory - Nantwich and Rural Care Community

Local Directory

For the most recently added health content please browse by scrolling down the main body of this page.

This new content will get incorporated into the A-Z Directory on the right….so the Directory therefore grows in content over time.

(Please note if you’re on a mobile device the A-Z Directory is listed at the bottom of this page).


Neurodiversity project launched in association with the Involvement, Recovery and Wellness Centre

Nantwich and Rural Care Community is currently into Week 5 (w/c 11th November) of the 6-week introductory course run by Greg Shepherd (second left in photo). Cindy Cliffe and Fran Groves (second right in photo) have worked very closely with Greg over many months and there will be a review after the 6th introductory get together next week.


Our local cancer support group for women, Cheshire Roses, is now a registered charity and meets on the first Tuesday evening of every month, 7pm-9pm in the Methodist Church on Hospital Street in Nantwich

Would you like to come and join the group for the pre-Christmas meet-up? Please contact Kay Maple anytime via the all-new Cheshire Roses website https://www.cheshire-roses.co.uk/


On November 29th, at Nantwich Museum, it’s the annual MacMillan Coffee Morning

Please see our Upcoming Health Events page for full details.

This winter please remember our 5 local pharmacies can help immediately with many health needs

For full information of all their services please visit our Nantwich and Rural Pharmacies page here.
For example, there is the Pharmacy First service as shown in this very short video :


Weekly social walks in Nantwich with the Canal and River Trust

Please come along and walk, get active, make new friends on one of our walk-leader led walks.

EVERY THURSDAY, 10:30-11:30, please book your free place via our Eventbrite page and select the date.


Growing Health Community Garden In nantwich is open to all

This photo is from this Spring but the garden and socialising keeps going through the winter months too as detailed in the poster underneath 🙂


We’re located along from Brookfield Hall off Shrewbridge Road.
To find out how you can join us at any time please email Adele Frost, the Project Coordinator adele.frost@nantwichtowncouncil.gov.uk

Or, you can join in with the Community Garden by making an appointment with the Social Prescriber at your GP Practice.

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At Nantwich Museum every Monday is the new reading group which began in September

Drop-in, all welcome, please come along… 🙂

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Every Sunday 2:30-4:30, Tea At The Tower in Acton is a great way to make new friends :

Tea at the Tower has received accreditation as ‘A Place of Welcome’ from ‘Transforming Lives Together’ (a joint venture between the Diocese of Chester and The Church Urban Fund). https://stmarysacton.org/tea-at-the-tower/


ALSO, our monthly Sunday ‘Guided Circular Walks’ are available (1-2 hour walks across our beautiful Cheshire countryside). These walks have become very popular – and our walkers enjoy returning for tea and cakes afterwards!

The date for our next walks in 2024 are:
3rd November and 22nd December at 12:45


Another local Place of Welcome, open to all every Friday, is St.Mary’s in Nantwich 🙂



Audlem and District Community Action (adca) is currently recruiting volunteers

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And their dementia carers support group is on Thursdays 11:00 until 2:00

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For larger, whole page views of the above posters please click :


If you are a carer please see the various free courses we have this winter as shown below :

These include
How To Plan For The Future
Understanding Dementia
Confidence To Care At End Of Life
Grieving Before Loss
Grieving When Caring Ends


Scanning the individual QR codes will give further details.

Please also see the Cheshire East 2024-25 Care Services Directory ebook here which you can expand to full screen (click in the bottom right corner) :


You can now access advice and information on family hub services online :

Family hubs support children and young people from 0-19 (or up to 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities).



Nantwich Library is the gateway to many social activities and practical health support

For example, if you have had a baby in the last 12 months :

The library can help you with all manner of things from BLUE BADGE APPLICATIONS to classes for learning a new language.
Keep right up-to-date on their Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/NantwichLibrary/.



12 – 18 Exercise Referral Scheme for Juniors with illness or long-term health conditions, available in our Care Community

Please click on the link for a larger viewing window of the 2-page brochure below :
full page pdf window view


Did you know that Age UK Cheshire offers many different services?

Please see the full range and diversity of support they offer by clicking here.


Here is a summary of the 2024 weekly table tennis classes for everyone to join in in Nantwich

Please bring soft-souled shoes and come and enjoy our all-ability classes for adults/juniors, plus we run classes for those with dementia, Parkinson’s and (soon) stroke rehab. For more details on each please see the links


For a much larger view of the timetable please click here to open in the separate pdf window.