Breast Cancer Screening
October 1, 2021Please Get Screened, Get Reassurance, Get The Right Care.
Doctors encourage women of Cheshire and Merseyside to attend their breast cancer screening appointments.
Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance and NHS organisations across the region are encouraging women who receive an invitation to attend a breast cancer appointment, to act on it as soon as they can.
Women who are registered with a GP, and aged 50-74 are sent invitations to attend breast cancer screening appointments every three years.
And doctors across the region are strongly encouraging everyone that is asked to attend a breast cancer screening appointment to act quickly on their invitation.
Hospitals, GP surgeries and mobile screening units across Cheshire & Merseyside have put measures in place to keep people safe during their appointments, including dedicated ‘COVID-secure’ facilities. Rigorous precautions are in place alongside extra cleaning regimes.