Blog Archive - Page 9 of 11 - Nantwich and Rural Care Community


What Is A Social Prescription?

22nd March 2021

As we potentially emerge from the lockdown into a world where face-to-face activities become more possible, you might want to book an appointment at your GP Practice with one of... Read more

Military Veterans Support

15th March 2021

Veterans in Mind provide psychological therapy and recovery interventions to ex-service personnel who have served in the armed forces and are registered with a GP in our area. To make... Read more

Women’s Health Strategy Call For Evidence

7th March 2021

The Government is encouraging women to share their experiences of the health and care system via a call for evidence aimed at improving healthcare for women. The call for evidence... Read more

The Reading Agency

1st March 2021

Cheshire East Libraries are working with The Reading Agency to connect isolated individuals and to use bibliotherapy to support mental health and reduce loneliness.   Nantwich Library’s telephone number is... Read more

“DailyHope” Phone Line

14th February 2021

A free national telephone line offering music, “sleep well”, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of the phone. For... Read more

Dementia Week, May 17-23

31st January 2021

All being well, Nantwich will be BLUE for Dementia week, 17th May – 23rd May 2021. Do you want to get involved? Please click on our logo to visit our... Read more

Are you looking to lose weight, let’s do this!

21st January 2021

NHS Better Health... Read more

First person receives Pfizer vaccine within Nantwich and Rural Primary Care Network

10th January 2021

Don Marshall, aged 86, from Hatherton has become the first person within Nantwich and Rural Primary Care Network to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination – a landmark moment in the... Read more

Happy New Year

2nd January 2021

We all hope that something near normal is within reach with the upcoming vaccine rollout but many of us will find this January and February especially tough mentally. Try taking... Read more