Talking therapies, or psychological therapies, are effective and confidential treatments delivered by fully trained and accredited NHS practitioners.
NHS Cheshire & Wirral Partnership offers psychological or talking therapies to our patients, covering a range of topics.
Please see the leaflet below :
It is open to all residents in Nantwich and Rural and meeting again in person from Thursday 12th May 2022!! PLEASE SEE THE VIDEO BELOW FOR HOW A MENTELL IN-PERSON CIRCLE WORKS :
The Circle is meeting in a lovely room at the YMCA in Crewe and the 2 host facilitators from Mentell are James and Nick. The Circle is meeting on Thursday evenings between 7-9pm.
To access Mentell’s service you must please register via this simple form.
Your GP Practice Social Prescriber can help facilitate the link up with Mentell if you prefer.
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support in the UK for anyone who is struggling to cope.
Having launched publicly in May 2019 to have conversations with people who are anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed and who need immediate support, SHOUT 85258 has taken one million conversations by 2022.
Finding it hard to say how you’re feeling? Click here for some of the issues people text Shout 85258 about.
There are little things we can all do to help look after our mental health. Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more.
We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, so discover what works for you.
Mental Health UK young people’s programme, Bloom, has been developed to help equip 14-18 year olds with the tools and knowledge to maintain their mental health through life’s transitions, both now and in the future. The Bloom resource library contains tools to help you confidently engage in conversations about mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience.
Bloom – the largest UK-wide programme for 14-18 year olds which focuses on supporting young people’s mental health resilience –
A reminder that Mental Health UK also has an online Community of help with its relatively new “Clic” Community :
For more details of Clic please see further down this page.
A Social Prescription support service is available at your GP Practice for people aged 18+ who might have health and wellbeing concerns as a consequence of non-medical issues. You might want to come and speak to us about anything that matters to you, for example:
The service is available in your GP Practice, further details are available by clicking on the Social Prescription link.
Young Minds is leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. Our aim is to make sure that young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.
If you are a young person looking for help please visit our YM website for a huge amount of varied support and also our Instagram page.
Text the YoungMinds Textline.
Young Minds has three different services to parents and carers who are concerned about their child’s mental health, up to the age of 25. There is the Parents Helpline 0808 8025544, Email Service and Webchat.
Visyon is a safe place children and young people can come to when they need help. We’re really good at helping children and young people work out what’s troubling them and what they can do about it. Whether they’re confused, upset, worried, feeling hurt or angry about anything, there is somebody at Visyon who will listen and help them decide what you want to do next.
Our services :
• One-to-one therapy • Therapeutic groupwork • Family support work • Therapeutic play • Creative activities • Mentoring • Cognitive behavioural therapy • Solution-focused brief therapy • Parent support groups
Please watch this short video with examples of how we help :
Join our new online parent support group to talk with like-minded parents to find support and ask for advice.
If you are a parent, grandparent or carer, you can come to us to gain the skills to give your child the support they need.
Call to find out more 01260 290000.
Kooth has been commissioned by NHS Cheshire Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG) in direct response to the Coronavirus pandemic. is a free, anonymous, confidential, safe, online wellbeing service, offering counselling, information and forums for children and young people. Access 365 days a year to counsellors who are available from: 12 noon-10pm Monday- Friday, and 6pm-10pm Saturday and Sunday.
Kooth allows young people to gain anonymous access to advice, support and guidance on any issue that is affecting their wellbeing. From friendship or relationship issues, family disagreements or difficult home lives, to concerns around eating, anxiety, stress, depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts etc.
Our qualified counsellors are here to give young people the support they need, when they need it.’s live chat service is available from Monday to Friday 12 noon – 10pm, Saturdays and Sundays 6pm – 10pm and is accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop, completely free of charge.
Our magazine has helpful articles, personal experiences and tips from young people and our Kooth team. You can also start or join a conversation with our friendly Kooth community, and you can write in your own daily journal to track your feelings or emotions and reflect on how you’re doing.
A safe, welcoming and comfortable space away from a clinical environment for adults who are experiencing acute emotional distress associated with a mental health problem.
The onsite team will provide emotional support and resilience building as well as support people to develop positive relationships. They can also provide practical advice and signposting.
Please see the 2-page leaflet below :
Please call or text 07516 029050
Or email
ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service for Cheshire East that enables children and young people (aged 11-19) to anonymously get in touch with a healthcare professional for advice and support about:
For full details please visit the dedicated ChatHealth page.
If your mental or emotional state quickly gets worse or deteriorates, this can be called a ‘mental health crisis’. In this situation, it is important to get help quickly.
Please call 0800 145 6485 and our dedicated local staff will support you to access the help you need. The phone line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is open to people of all ages – including children and young people.
You’ll be given personalised recommendations about how to improve your mental health and wellbeing and you’ll keep a log of your progress. The courses take around six weeks to complete and will leave you feeling calmer, happier and healthier.
Use the code ‘CMHCP’ when signing up for your account to access SilverCloud’s comprehensive online therapy courses completely free of charge. Please enter a different username for each one of the three programmes available to you :
Space For Sleep
Space For Resilience
Space From Stress
Clic hosts an online forum which creates a safe space for people to chat about how they’re feeling and connect with others. It’s also home to a wealth of mental health information, tools, tips and resources.
Please visit our Blog if you would like more information.
We have comprehensive detail, personal stories you can relate to and useful tools and calculators to help you better understand and manage your financial and mental wellbeing.
(CAMHS) are an NHS provided service that support young people with their mental health & emotional well-being.
CAMHS services generally support young people experiencing:
In this video chat Maja talks about her own experiences with CAMHS, her journey from referral to now, and has some top advice :
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