Here in Nantwich and Rural Care Community our Be Smoke Free community classes run by One You are still available via phone and video conference. Please call 0808 164 3202.
You are three times more likely to succeed by working one-to-one or in a group with a health coach than going it along.
You will set a quit date and make a plan that will help you achieve it. You will get lots of support and motivation from your health coach and your group, if you join one. And best of all, the programme is completely free.
Your health coach will be able to tell you about nicotine replacement products and other stop smoking medicines. They can also recommend which products or combination of products could work for you.
We can also measure the levels of carbon monoxide in your body- the monitor shows how your level drops to the same as a non-smoker’s just 24 hours after your last cigarette.
Quit smoking for your health, your family and your bank balance.
Why not download the free NHS Stoptober app to help you quit smoking and start breathing easier.
track your progress
see how much you’re saving
get daily support
Here is the link to NHS Better Health Quit Smoking.
Sign Up For Daily Email Quit Smoking Support Here.
Feel inspired about better health generally by visiting our Better Health page here.
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