Local Directory - Nantwich and Rural Care Community

Local Directory

For the most recently added health content please browse by scrolling down the main body of this page.

This new content will get incorporated into the A-Z Directory on the right….so the Directory therefore grows in content over time.

(Please note if you’re on a mobile device the A-Z Directory is listed at the bottom of this page).


Free, low intensity, live exercise classes

These are online classes to improve your balance, strength, flexibility, overall fitness and mobility.
If you want to get active but are unable to attend in-person classes, this could be for you :

HR A4 Recondition Cheshire East Poster v4

Larger pdf window view :

If you are a carer please see the various free courses we have as shown below :

These include
How To Plan For The Future
Understanding Dementia
Confidence To Care At End Of Life
Grieving Before Loss
Grieving When Caring Ends

Community Sessions for Loss Grief & Bereavement and Dementia

Scanning the individual QR codes will give further details.

Please also see the Cheshire East 2024-25 Care Services Directory ebook here which you can expand to full screen (click in the bottom right corner) :


Audlem and District Community Action (adca) is having a party 🙂

ADCA Summer Party


Growing Health Community Garden In nantwich is open to all


We’re located along from Brookfield Hall off Shrewbridge Road.
To find out how you can join us at any time please email Adele Frost, the Project Coordinator 🙂 adele.frost@nantwichtowncouncil.gov.uk

Or, you can join in with the Community Garden by making an appointment with the Social Prescriber at your GP Practice.



You can now access advice and information on family hub services online :

Family hubs support children and young people from 0-19 (or up to 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities).



Nantwich Library is the gateway to many social activities and practical health support

For example, if you have had a baby in the last 12 months :

The library can help you with all manner of things from BLUE BADGE APPLICATIONS to classes for learning a new language.
Keep right up-to-date on their Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/NantwichLibrary/.


British Red Cross, New, Support At Home

In addition to this 2-week service being available after a hospital discharge, it is now available more generally. Please see the 2-page document below :
Cheshire East Support at Home Service A5 flyer

Larger pdf window view :

Update on Neurodiversity Plans for Nantwich and Rural

Don’t miss out on shaping the Neurodiverse developments in Nantwich and Rural Care Community.
We are working with the survey results to listen properly to what you have told us matters to you, and want to keep connected. There will be a further update in July. So that you can continue to shape the delivery of support and because we want to take the next steps with you, please watch out for our next communications and invite!

All 5 GP Practices in Nantwich and Rural Care Community are now signed up as Veteran Friendly Practices

Richard Stephenson-Evans is our Community Liaison Officer and Armed Forces Lead. He can support veterans as a priority with housing/DWP/NHS, etc.
Your GP Practice Social Prescriber can put you in contact with Richard.


In addition, as the video below shows, Op COURAGE is an NHS mental health specialist service designed to help reservists, armed forces veterans and their families, and serving personnel who are due to leave the military.

For full details of all the help available please click here to take you to the NHS page.

Indicative Waiting Times For Hospital Specialties

For those patients on a waiting list please use this website to find the expected wait time for your specialty

For example, for Leighton Hospital, please choose North West region followed by Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Weekly social walks in Nantwich with the Canal and River Trust

Please come along and walk, get active, make new friends on one of our walk-leader led walks.

EVERY THURSDAY, 10:30-11:30, please book your free place via our Eventbrite page and select the date.


Every Sunday 2:30-4:30, Tea At The Tower in Acton is a great way to make new friends :

Tea at the Tower has received accreditation as ‘A Place of Welcome’ from ‘Transforming Lives Together’ (a joint venture between the Diocese of Chester and The Church Urban Fund). https://stmarysacton.org/tea-at-the-tower/


ALSO, our Sunday ‘Guided Circular Walks’ are available (1-2 hour walks across our beautiful Cheshire countryside). These walks have become very popular – and our walkers enjoy returning for tea and cakes afterwards!

The date for our next walk in 2024 is:
21st July and 1st September at 12:45


Another local Place of Welcome, open to all every Friday 🙂



Falls Prevention and core strength with Be Steady, Be Safe


Here are the details of one example run by Everybody Health and Leisure :

BSBS 2022 Flyer

Did you know that Everybody Health and Leisure can help with many health conditions? Please click on this link for full details :
Everybody Health and Leisure

Singing For The Brain Nantwich, 2024 dates confirmed as :


Larger pdf window view :

……and here also are the latest 2024 dates and activities for the Thursday Club in Nantwich for those with dementia and their carers


Larger pdf window view :

….and did you know the fantastic support that is available from Admiral Nurses at Dementia UK, 7 days a week

Please watch the 3-minute video below on the scope of their support and how to book an appointment :


12 – 18 Exercise Referral Scheme for Juniors with illness or long-term health conditions, available in our Care Community

Please click on the link for a larger viewing window of the 2-page brochure below :
full page pdf window view

Junior Exercise Referral Leaflet FINAL

Did you know that Age UK Cheshire offers many different services?

Please see the full range and diversity of support they offer by clicking here.
All our residents in Nantwich and Rural come under Age UK Cheshire (not Age UK Cheshire East).


Here is a summary of the Summer 2024 weekly table tennis classes for everyone to join in in Nantwich

Please bring soft-souled shoes and come and enjoy our all-ability classes for adults/juniors, plus we run classes for those with dementia, Parkinson’s and (soon) stroke rehab. For more details on each please see the links

Weekly Schedule at the Bob Hope Academy 19 Sep 23

For a much larger view of the timetable please click here to open in the separate pdf window.

EPAIGE is a library resource we can all access for support and information to do with End Of Life care

Please click here to access the library of resources.


Mobility Aids A4 Poster


Audlem Carers Support Group meets at 10:30 on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, now in the Shroppie Fly pub

Carers Poster 2

Please do join us for chat and guidance in your caring role (over coffee and biscuits!)


KOOTH is immediately available for all 11-18 year olds

The only BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) accredited digital mental health service https://www.kooth.com/

No referral is required. You can sign up online, anytime.
There are no waiting lists or thresholds to access our services.
We’re completely free to use.
We’re commissioned primarily by the NHS and have been a trusted partner of the NHS for over 20 years.


Nantwich and Rural Care Community has its very own version of a worldwide, proven model of encouraging people to talk about the subject of death, (the name was already predetermined).

Our most recent Death Cafe was hosted by Nantwich Bookshop on the evening of Wednesday 6th September.






New Anticipatory Grief Support Group for carers of loved ones with a diagnosis of dementia or cognitive impairment.

We will meet on the last Friday of the month at Barony Lodge Residential Care Home in Nantwich.

Please contact Insights Bereavement in advance to register. Thank you.

Also, every Wednesday 1:30-3:30 in Nantwich, a bereavement friendship group

Please join us for compassionate company :

Insight wednesday final (1)

Please call/leave a message on 07942 337801


Please watch this short video to find out how the Buddies are supporting the health of our residents 🙂



…a WELFARE OFFICER to help with :

  • Allowances (PIP, DLA, ESA, Attendance, Carers, etc)
  • Welfare Calculations
  • Cost Of Living

…a WELLBEING COACH to help with :

  • Mental Health Support Services
  • IT and Digital Inclusion
  • Social Activities

…a WORK COACH to help with :

  • CV Writing
  • Job Searches
  • Training Needs


Call 01625 501759 or email info@dibservices.org.uk


New addition to Dementia Friendly Nantwich :

Coffee, cake and activities every Wednesday 2-4pm



Every Tuesday in Nantwich at Noon :


Salon Vie Hair Salon in Nantwich offers brand new wig/hat service

Elegant, cooling hats for health conditions in the warmer weather, plus full wig service. If you would like to meet and talk with women sharing your experiences you might like to join Kay Maple’s support group on the first Tuesday of the month at Nantwich Museum, please click here for the Support Group details.



Might you be a man looking to get creative and meet others?
Please do come along and see us at Lightworks 🙂


Good to go with go-too

Your very own bus now awaits your bookings to two of our most popular local destinations, BRIDGEMERE GARDEN CENTRE and DAGFIELDS CRAFTS AND ANTIQUES CENTRE :

go-too poster a4


Stroke/Brain Injury Group Is Meeting Now In Audlem :

Our local Support Group meets at the Shroppie Fly in Audlem on Wednesdays at 10:30 for coffee, company, biscuits and chat! A friendly group for all and their carers.
If you need transport support to reach us then either the go-too bus or ADCA is hopefully possible for you.
It’s nice to be with others who have experienced brain injuries from different causes as we understand the difficulties, challenges and talk.
We have a luncheon every 3 months.


Every 2nd Thursday of the Month, Nantwich Care Community Hub

Held at the Civic Hall and beginning at 10am, come along to meet local support groups and agencies to see what they do 🙂

Nantwich Community Hub A3 poster v03


Our nearest Park Run is in the beautiful Queens Park in Crewe every Saturday at 09:00…….
……with a cafe at the end for a drink and chat!!! 🙂

….On May 4th 2024 there were 247 entrants running and walking!!

It’s the social side that everyone mentions, as much as the physical element, that results in improved health. For all the details you need please go to the Crewe Park Run page.

There are also volunteering opportunities if you would like to be involved.


The all new Carers Support :

Please click on this Blog posting for full details.
Additionally, here is a summary 2-page leaflet :



If you would like to volunteer some time in 2024 Nantwich Buddies are recruiting now!

Would you like to join our volunteers supporting the local community in Nantwich and surrounding rural areas?

PLEASE FIND OUT MORE AND GET IN TOUCH VIA OUR WEBSITE https://www.nantwichbuddies.org/home.

Mental Health and 5 Steps To Wellbeing, Examples here in Nantwich and Rural Care Community in 2023 :

Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these 5 Steps outlined on this link could help you feel more positive.

Let’s take two of these 5 steps and highlight opportunities you might like to explore locally…..

1. CONNECT WITH OTHER PEOPLE – Join the Community Stage that meets in Nantwich

Every Wednesday evening there is somewhere you can meet up with others over a coffee and share your love of music, poetry, singing, comedy and performing :

Community Stage at the Granary Arts Cafe is a safe space for all local artists to improve their confidence, show their skills and connect with others in the community…


2. LEARN NEW SKILLSCrewe and Nantwich u3a has an incredible amount going on to “learn, laugh and live” about, all included in its membership.
Please click here for their full list of activities, SHOWN BY DAY OF THE WEEK, with current vacancies.


New Cafe Socials To Mention in 2023 :



The second and fourth Friday of each month at Nantwich leisure centre…..please do come and join us 🙂

Menopause Posters - Nantwich V1


Kooth’s mental health support is free and available to all young people, you can talk to Kooth about anything anonymously

Kooth.com is a free, safe, confidential and non-stigmatised way for young people to receive counselling, advice and support on-line. Funded by the NHS and local authorities, it is a BACP accredited service.

Would you like to join the Green Spaces For Wellbeing programme?

A collaboration between the NHS, Everybody Health and Leisure, ANSA, Cheshire East Council, and the voluntary sector.

The beautiful Queen’s Park in Crewe is the venue for each session on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1pm-3pm, and Fridays 9:30am-11:30am.
A Saturday session is being added to the Programme in early 2023, and there will be evening sessions from the Spring.


PLEASE FIND OUT MORE HERE : https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/leisure,_culture_and_tourism/green-spaces-for-wellbeing.aspx.
Green Spaces for Wellbeing Poster

Green Spaces for Wellbeing Leaflet Digital


Introducing the Dad Pad.

New from the NHS. Once the app is installed, enter your postcode when prompted and select “Cheshire and Merseyside”.

POSTER Cheshire and Merseyside A3 (1)


Coffee mornings at Broad Lane Methodist Chapel

Every Monday morning, 10am – noon
…..it’s a large file so will just take a few seconds to appear 🙂

Stapeley Broad Lane Leaflet 2020


Free, independent, no jargon advice on all things money with Money Helper

The moneyhelper.org.uk website covers Benefits, Everyday Money, Family and Care, Homes, Money Troubles, Pensions and Retirement, Savings, and Work.

Please listen to minutes 8:00 – 14:30 of the video below (which was a recent presentation to the Cheshire & Merseyside Resilience Hub) to introduce you to Money Helper :

There is a number you can ring, AND there is also live chat which receives the same degree of importance if you prefer.


Mentell, the immediate-acccess talking group specifically for men, is now meeting weekly.

The group meets in a lovely room at the YMCA in Crewe and it has grown since its first meeting in May, so instead of being fortnightly it is now meeting every Thursday 7pm – 9pm.

The 2 host facilitators attending each week from Mentell are James and Nick.

To access Mentell’s service you must please register via this simple form in advance.
Your GP Practice Social Prescriber can help facilitate the link up with Mentell if you prefer.

This 10-page document below is October 2022’s Newsletter, it might take a little while to load. Please click here to open in the pdf window for larger viewing :
Mentell Newsletter Oct 2022


The Contact Hub is one number for Children and Young people’s Services. It is available to parents, carers, young people and families in our Care Community :

The Contact Hub is the first point of contact for both service users and health professionals and offers telephone advice, peer and service support, referral management and more.

The specialist team will be on hand Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm. Accessing the Contact Hub is easy by telephone on 0300 123 4058 or by email: wchc.cehub@nhs.net

  • New parents/carers – weaning, feeding, vaccinations, sleeping, bonding and wellbeing
  • Parents/carers of early years children – vaccinations, school readiness, fussy eating, bedwetting, toilet training, emotional wellbeing, behaviour and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Parents / carers of school age children – vaccinations, wellbeing, resilience, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Parents/carers of young people – vaccinations, relationships, bullying, confidence/self-esteem, sexual health, lifestyle advice, resilience, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Young people – vaccinations, relationships bullying, confidence/self-esteem, sexual health, resilience and lifestyle advice
  • Please visit our website here for full details.


    Did You Know About The Free Parents and Children Weekly Activities at Nantwich Library?

    Great for the kids…..and mums and dads too! Please be patient with this large pdf file loading on screen….or you can click here for the pdf reader view.

    What's On At The Library 2022 (2)


    Also at Nantwich Library, Come and Join a Laid back Knitting/Stitching/Crochet Group

    Every other Wednesday, 10am at Nantwich Library, please bring your own materials :

    Knit & Stitch 2022

    Please check with the Library.


    Nantwich Library Adult Groups

    The following list was last published in September 2022. Please click through the 4-pages to see daily classes :

    Adult Events September 2022


    The Audlem Thursday Club, to support carers looking after their loved ones with dementia, is going from strength to strength.

    The weekly 3-hour session includes a light lunch and plenty of cuppas! The cost of the group is £3 and Laura and the team of volunteers would love to see you.

    Thursday Club Poster 2

    For further details of all the ongoing support in Nantwich and Rural Care Community please visit the Dementia page in our Directory here.


    We have new support available in Nantwich and Rural from our Advanced Dementia Team :

    To view the 2-page leaflet below in a larger format please open in the pdf window here.

    eolp aug 21

    Your GP Practice in Nantwich and Rural can refer you to our Specialist, Deb Cartlidge, who can provide expert advice when looking after a loved one requires 24-hour supervision.


    Cheshire East Care Services Directory 2022/23

    A comprehensive guide to staying independent, improving your wellbeing and choosing your care.

    Click here for the virtual page-turner e-book version.

    Or please click here for the full size pdf view.


    Visyon Is Back Taking New Referrals

    Visyon is a charity that supports children, young people and their families with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
    All patients in our Care Community are able to access their services once more :


    “Whether it’s the young person who calls, or a parent, we’ll be able to talk through what services we can offer and the next steps. Our office number is 01260 290000, we’re open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 9am to 1pm on Fridays.

    After referral you will be offered an Open Access session within 10 days of the initial call.
    An Open Access session is a 30-minute meeting with one of our trained members of staff to discuss what services we offer and how we can best support you.”


    The 50+ Club meets every Wednesday in Nantwich Civic Hall

    If you are looking for friendships, activities and maybe some away-day trips, please come along.

    50+ Club poster


    Every Thursday Now at Nantwich Leisure Centre, 13:30-14:15

    Move It Or Lose It is a class which is suited for people with any low level mobility or pain management issues, it can be performed seated or standing.

    Move it or lose it flyer


    Nantwich Leisure Centre has many Health and Wellbeing classes running :

    The Centre has many Exercise and Rehabilitation Programmes to choose from, for example their award-winning ESCAPE PAIN PROGRAMME for knee, hip and back pain…….please click through this 2-page leaflet for all the knee and hip pain details :

    ESCAPE-Pain A5 Knee and Hip (1)

    For a full list of their specialist and general health classes, and how to access them, please visit our Everybody Health and Leisure category.


    The Wingate Centre in Wrenbury is running many activities, including

    Wingate Centre – Dance drama and movement Oct2021

    For a full list of disability activities at the Wingate Centre please click here.

    Mental Wellbeing and Young People :

    If you’re a young person living in Nantwich and Rural Care Community, there’s lots of mental wellbeing support immediately available for you.
    In more detail from the link above :

    ChatHealth is a new text messaging service for young people aged 11-19 who are now able to text a school nurse to get confidential health advice.

    For full ChatHealth service details please visit the ChatHealth page.


    KOOTH.COM is a free, anonymous, confidential, safe, online wellbeing service offering counselling, live chat, information and forums for children and young people. Access is 365 days a year to counsellors who are available from: 12 noon-10pm Monday- Friday, and 6pm-10pm Saturday and Sunday.


    24/7 mental health phone line from Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust :

    If you need urgent support for your mental health, please call the mental health helpline on 0800 145 6485 and our dedicated local staff will support you to access the help you need.

    The phone line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is open to people of all ages – including children and young people.


    Vesta – Specialist Family Support For Polish People in our Care Community :

    Please click on our Facebook Page for our latest news.


    Thank you to Morrisons in Nantwich for alerting us to their ongoing Community welfare support :

    Package for Sandy A4


    Nantwich and Rural GP Practices are fully open.


    Please see all the health services that our 6 local pharmacies offer our Care Community patients by clicking here.


    Please see this 30-second video as a guide to when to use NHS 111